Royal wedding causes everyone to make jokes about Carson Wentz getting married

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Not sure if you heard, but happened on Saturday morning. If you ever need to tell the entire country something at once and actually have everyone listen, do it during the royal wedding, because literally every human being on the planet was tuned into this thing. It was on every TV channel, including CBS.Even a bunch of football fans were paying attention, and we know this because approximately 37 percent of the humans on this planet decided to make the same joke about Prince Harry looking exactly like quarterback .The thing is, people aren't wrong: the two guys look very similar.Harry's got a little bit more hair on top (except on the back end, sorry not sorry) and his beard is a little thicker. Otherwise these Phil Niekro Jersey guys are twins.This did not just slide by the watchful eye of social media either. During the royal wedding, (or likely stream on CBSN), people were firing out comparisons of the two. Everyone is getting in on the joke. Prince Harry and the Prince of Philadelphia both have plenty to smile about: Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter) Man I thought that was Carson Wentz this whole time Marquis Flowers (@MFlowers59) Good to see Carson Wentz taking on those stairs and getting into the carriage without a knee brace. Dave Richard (@daverichard) really happy for carson wentz though C.D. Carter (@CDCarter13) So who cares that Carson Wentz got married Kevin Turner (@ktfuntweets) And I mean everyone: damn carson wentz really got his whole wedding televised ant (@AnthonyKaminski) Happy for Carson wentz, what with the wedding and all offseason Atlanta Braves Jersey evgeni malkin (@Broke_DZA) Carson Wentz is getting married in England today? Hes had a heck of a year! Super Bowl Champ and Royal Wedding. Congrats !!! Jon Allen (@JonAllen11) That Carson Wentz wedding looked lit MACARONI TONY (@MirFontane) Carson Wentzs wedding was so beautifu Kaylee Q:)) (@kayleeq26) Congratulations on the wedding Carson Wentz. DUB G RAIDER (@sgutierrez81) Ay Carson Wentz congrats on the Royal Wedding bro, but can you still be our quarterback next year? Mike Colucciello (@mcoluch9) Best wishes on your wedding Carson Wentz roi (@zeroib0t) Carson Wentz got his ACL fixed just in time for his wedding. Jay Dansby Swanson Jersey Santana (@_stateofjay) Did anyone catch the Carson Wentz wedding in Great Britian this morning? Calvin Hanson (@calabama25) I would actually be more interested in attending Carson Wentz's wedding than the . Bill Robinson (@billyr09) Why is everyone making such a big deal about Carson Wentz wedding? Derek Puckett (@KirbyIsPuckett4) I didnt know this many people were interested in Carson wentz wedding Tripp (@_Grenier_) Is it po sible there are even people who Carson Wentz got married today? It would not be the most surprising stupid Brandon McCarthy Jersey thing for human beings to do, if we're being honest. Why is Carson Wentzs wedding on TV? Siebs (@alexsiebs) Why am I up watching Carson Wentz' wedding? Zach Foxx (@Zachfoxx14) The only royal wedding joke anyone should be retweeting or laughing at, though, comes from the subtle humor of Billy Idol. Looks like a lovely day in UK for Harry and Meghans wedding Billy Idol (@BillyIdol) Well that or the Pippa/Arizona Iced Tea joke. That one made me laugh too. Pippa's dre s looks like the Arizona iced tea can Sarah Rogers (@sarahnrogers)
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