Urban Meyer fired Doug Pederson Josh McDaniels top candidates to become next Jaguars head coach

The will be looking for a new head coach after the team just 13 games into his NFL tenure. Tasked with changing the culture in Jacksonville, Meyer made it worse in .The Jaguars front office already was a me s prior to the outside-the-box hire of Meyer, yet the same personnel remains in place after Meyer was fired. The Jaguars are 39-102 since the s

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Royal wedding causes everyone to make jokes about Carson Wentz getting married

Not sure if you heard, but happened on Saturday morning. If you ever need to tell the entire country something at once and actually have everyone listen, do it during the royal wedding, because literally every human being on the planet was tuned into this thing. It was on every TV channel, including CBS.Even a bunch of football fans were paying att

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Saints Chargers are the NFLs two best teams heres what to make of the other contenders

At this very moment I believe we could agree on which two teams are the best in the NFL. The are the premier team in the NFC and the are the most balanced, complete team in the AFC. Doesn't mean they will win the Super Bowl, or even get there, but they are the best teams in football right Stephen Piscotty Jersey now.And while they are both certain

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